akashathekitty wrote in kittyfics Apr 15, 2010 03:32
fic: rtfm, length: ficlet, fic: master, fic: in the darkness..., translations: german, translations: finnish, length: drabble, fic: after the end, fic: the bracelet, length: one-shot, translations: spanish, character: scorpius, character: draco, fic: taste of your kiss, fic: expectations, character: albus severus, pairing: draco/hermione, fic: the nymph hunt, rating: pg-13, index, translations: italian, fic: playing games, translations: russian, translations: czech/slovak, translations: french, translations: portuguese, rating: nc-17, character: theo, pairing: rose/scorpius, rating: pg, pairing: albus severus/scorpius, fic: silencio, rating: r, length: chaptered, character: hermione